Monday, April 20, 2009

Cutting Room Floor

Written as Ridley Scott's inroad back to directing science fiction after the box office flop of his Blade Runner, Thelma and Louise was intended as two films. Part one as released is mostly intact as scripted but fades to white before the cliffhanger ending.

In Star Trek IV Kirk and his crew return to 1986 in order to capture whales prior to their extinction so that they will be able to communicate with aliens destroying the Earth in the future. Part 2 of Thelma and Louise was to be Star Trek VI - The Ribbons of Paradox. In that script, it turns out that a paradox was created in 1986 when Spock gave the Vulcan neck-pinch to a punk that had given him the finger on a San Francisco bus. In the future Spock concludes that the only way to undue this paradox and restore balance to the universe is to save Thelma and Louise and take them back to 1986 New York and Los Angeles to teach a punk in each of those cities some manners in tandem with the other time traveling Spock. Needless to say, Louise and Kirk get along famously. Part one ends as a tractor beam from the USS Enterprise stops their 1966 Thunderbird in mid air and Thelma and Louise are beamed aboard.