"Today's the Pimpin Is My Passion Awards!" Black Sumo shouted excitedly. "Those Pimps are gonna pay!"
"Whoa, slow your roll Black Sumo!" Floyd said laughingly. "We can't just roll into the award show. They'll surely have security at the doors!"
"Should we try to get onto a list?" Black Lumberjack asked.
"Already done...!" Ronnie stated while holding up 2 RSVP invitations. "You and Black Sumo should be able to get into the event using these. Floyd and I will just wait outside around back. Then one of you just has to let us in from the inside."
"Yeah..." Floyd chimed in, "Now the only thing you guys will need are some disguises!"
"Some disguises?" Black Sumo asked, his interests suddenly perked. I know just the place...Let's go already!"
The four men leave the cabin and head over to the place that Black Sumo so enthusiastically suggested.
"Whoa, slow your roll Black Sumo!" Floyd said laughingly. "We can't just roll into the award show. They'll surely have security at the doors!"
"Should we try to get onto a list?" Black Lumberjack asked.

"Yeah..." Floyd chimed in, "Now the only thing you guys will need are some disguises!"
"Some disguises?" Black Sumo asked, his interests suddenly perked. I know just the place...Let's go already!"
The four men leave the cabin and head over to the place that Black Sumo so enthusiastically suggested.
"Ha-haa-hee! You look so stupid Black Lumberjack!" Black Sumo laughed.

"Hmmm! You look like a Hippo with a suit on! Black Lumberjack quipped back.
"Perfect, you guys look perfect. I don't think anyone will know who you guys are." Floyd says cutting the two men off before their tempers began to flare. "We have only a few hours before everything begins. I think we better get these outfits and go."
The four men leave and head towards the city for the 15th Annual Pimping Is My Passion Awards.

"Hmmm! You look like a Hippo with a suit on! Black Lumberjack quipped back.

The four men leave and head towards the city for the 15th Annual Pimping Is My Passion Awards.
First, I need to thank Carl for the idea!
What is Black Sumo talking about??!! I think that Black Lumberjack looks AWESOME!!
Their get ups are pretty sweet considering that they were in a pinch. I think they'll fit in just fine.
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