
"This is happening tomorrow, I know that The Mayor and his men will all be there. He's a nominee of the award for Best Pimp."
"Pimps are nothing but street scum!" Black Sumo yells while slamming his fist on the table, breaking it in the process. "We wipe them out, I guarantee no one will miss em'."
There's a knock at the door, and its Floyd & Ronnie. They entered while carrying a large case and some other items. "We brought some rope and smoke bombs for when we go up against the pimps."
"I don't need anything but my fists!" Black Sumo exclaims.
"What's in the case?" Black Lumberjack wanted to know.
"Open it up!" Floyd says with a smile on his face. The case contained some parts that looked like they assembled together. Black Lumberjack began putting the items together and when he finished, he held in his hand what resembled a large battle axe! Black Lumberjack longingly gazes at the axe with a sly grin on his face.
"I have a feeling that I'll be doing a lot of choppin' tomorrow....but this time, it ain't gonna be no trees...