Excised from the final cut of the film were all details of the abusive relationship Stephanie Speck had suffered with her ex-boyfriend Frank. Also excised were several destructive and deadly mistakes Number 5 made prior to meeting Stephanie. The tenderness she shows for Number 5 helps it learn to value the life of all creations and in the process of their spending time together she undergoes her own healing process. Not until the end of the film does she allow herself to become close with Newton Crosby. The first cut of the film closed with Stephanie, Johnny 5 and Newton starting a new life together on her father’s Montana farm. Given that the story was as much about Stephanie’s healing process as Johny 5’s redemption the closing shot was of Stephanie showing Johnny 5 how to milk a cow.
Being a huge fan and one of the few people to have seen their last show together at Max’s Kansas City director John Badham cut this scene, faded to black and rolled the credits over the The Velvet Underground song “Stephanie Says”. In an effort to please investors TriStar picture executives recut the film and replaced Badham’s score with a commissioned El DeBarge song entitled “Who’s Johnny” which has a decidedly different tone.
Excerpt from “Stephanie Says” – The Velvet Underground
Stephanie says that she wants to know
why she's given half her life,
to people she hates now
Stephanie says when answering the phone
what country shall I say is calling from across the world
But she's not afraid to die, the people all call her Alaska
Between worlds so the people ask her 'cause it's all in her mind
It's all in her mind
Excerpt from “Who’s Johnny?” - El Debarge
I try to understand because I'm people too
and playing games is part of human nature
My heart's in overdrive
It's great to be alive
"Who's Johnny?" she said
And smiled in her special way
"Johnny" she said" You know I love you"
"Who's Johnny?" she said and tried to look the other way
Her eyes gave her away
Girls like her are very special
Girls like her don't rest
'Till you too are a believer
'Till you too have caught their fever
Short Circuit 2 and The Godfather Part 2 are two instances where the sequels are better than the firsts. Especialy when Michael Corleone was hang gliding over the NYC Skyscrapers and then at the end when they re-built Sonny in complete gold and gave him his citizenship...
Awesome drawing of Johnny 5! So detailed! I had no idea that El Debarge lyrics were so deep.
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