Just when he had run out of leads, and seen nothing but dead ends, he received a phone call...
The voice on the other end was whispering."Hello?... Baby it's me." Black Lumberjack was frozen as if he had just heard a ghost. It was Tonya, she was alive!
"I can't talk now, but I'm okay."
"Where are you?" Black Lumberjack demanded of her.
"I can't...Click..." She, or someone else hung up the phone.
But that was all Black Lumberjack needed. "She's alive...I knew it...She's alive!" He yelled.
"There has to be something I missed, someone that I didn't talk to!"... "Think! Think!"
Black Lumberjack paced his room going over all the clues and leads that he had. Suddenly it hits him. "I'll go to the bar where we first met!" He grabs his axe and runs out the door.

Man I'm really hooked in this BLJ saga.
Uh oh. BLJ is going to do some serious lumberjackin' on someone in the next episode. I can't wait!
This serial is a killer. What lies in store for The Black Lumberjack?
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