"You realize that less than 40 minutes ago we were all really wasted and dancing with strange women...and now...we're in a hospital waiting room watching Ace Ventura 2?! Happy f*ckin' New Years!"
Man were you guys lucky. Every waiting room I have ever been in that has a TV has always been tuned to Jerry Springer or Judge Judy. It usually takes massive amounts of restraint to not break these tvs.
BTW it is wrong to have nothing go wrong in drunken Wiffle Ball.
Man were you guys lucky. Every waiting room I have ever been in that has a TV has always been tuned to Jerry Springer or Judge Judy. It usually takes massive amounts of restraint to not break these tvs.
BTW it is wrong to have nothing go wrong in drunken Wiffle Ball.
Was it Evan's mom that needed to go to the hospital?
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