"COOOOOOOORN FLAKES!" yells Black Lumberjack as he descends from the summit of the most terrifying coaster he's ever been on. With his heart firmly lodged in his throat, his mind is elsewhere "Why the F*CK am I on a roller coaster? How did I get here? What about Tonya!!!" he wonders to himself.

As Black Lumberjack drops at an alarming rate he catches sight of Abraham Lincoln, he's laughing at me! He's half dragon? Before he can comprehend what's going on gravity sends him spiraling down.

"WOODY!!! yells Black Lumberjack as he bounces around the corner on his favorite childhood toy, a Kangaroo Ball. "It's Woody my childhood poodle. Wait a minute..."

"Damn how could I have accidentally fallen asleep during the big fight?" says BLJ as he wakes up groggy. Lumberjack's heart begins to race as he brings himself back into the moment, but still he can't help but ask himself "What was this weird Corn Flake, Lincoln, Poodle dream all about? NEVER MIND ALL THAT, I'VE GOT TO GET BACK TO SAVING TONYA!".
(Artist's note: I didn't want to disrupt the existing story for swap week so of course a dream sequence was a logical choice. I'd imagine this part of the story would end up on the Cutting Room Floor anyways.)
Lol, well done. At first I thought BLJ dropped some Acid, but then realized BLJ knows that drugs are for fools!
Ha-Haa! This was awesome! It's so trippy... I love Abraham Lincoln as half dragon!
I like that it is completely unclear whether or not the Abedragon is good or bad. It would disturb me but perhaps it is up to something good!
Get off the drugs and get back to kicking some ass!
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