Friday, May 29, 2009
Behind the Story (Swap Week)
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The Black Lumberjack (Swap Week)

"COOOOOOOORN FLAKES!" yells Black Lumberjack as he descends from the summit of the most terrifying coaster he's ever been on. With his heart firmly lodged in his throat, his mind is elsewhere "Why the F*CK am I on a roller coaster? How did I get here? What about Tonya!!!" he wonders to himself.

As Black Lumberjack drops at an alarming rate he catches sight of Abraham Lincoln, he's laughing at me! He's half dragon? Before he can comprehend what's going on gravity sends him spiraling down.

"WOODY!!! yells Black Lumberjack as he bounces around the corner on his favorite childhood toy, a Kangaroo Ball. "It's Woody my childhood poodle. Wait a minute..."

"Damn how could I have accidentally fallen asleep during the big fight?" says BLJ as he wakes up groggy. Lumberjack's heart begins to race as he brings himself back into the moment, but still he can't help but ask himself "What was this weird Corn Flake, Lincoln, Poodle dream all about? NEVER MIND ALL THAT, I'VE GOT TO GET BACK TO SAVING TONYA!".
(Artist's note: I didn't want to disrupt the existing story for swap week so of course a dream sequence was a logical choice. I'd imagine this part of the story would end up on the Cutting Room Floor anyways.)
Cutting Room Floor (Switch Week)

After making parole, Red travels on to keep the one promise he made to his friend Andy Dufresne. Red follows Andy’s directions to the North Buxton hay fields. Sure enough, Red soon spots the rock wall that looks like something right out of a Robert Frost poem and proceeds toward it. Red then comes right up to the large willow tree and spots the black volcanic glass rock he was instructed to look under. Red lifts the rock up and true to Andy’s word there is box underneath it. Red begins to break down as he realizes he will do anything for his good friend Andy Dufresne. Red then opens the box and BOOOM!! The box was an IED that took Red’s head clean off. It turns out that Andy Dufresne was indeed a murderer and just used Red to get him stuff. Andy was not only a bad husband, but also a bad friend.
This ending did not test as well with the one that made it to the final cut.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The Black Lumberjack

The crowd gets quiet and The Mayor turns around to see a seething, shirtless, Black Lumberjack. "You're a dead man!" Black Lumberjack growls. Tonya turns around and sees Black Lumberjack for the first time in months. She is so relieved to see him that she begins crying.
The Mayor's face turns pale. The last thing that he expected was for Black Lumberjack to find him, and on top of that, risk his life to confront him. Immediately The Mayor's men, and Pimps stand up to confront Black Lumberjack. Black Lumberjack turns to his brother, who surprisingly was also out of his costume, and in full Sumo attire.
"Where are you going?!" Black Sumo says to one of Mayor's goons as he grabs him and puts him into a headlock.
"Are you ready?" Black Lumberjack asks Black Sumo. "I've been ready!" Black Sumo answered back as he sent a pimp sprawling with one devastating punch. The brothers go back to back in defense of the increasing amount of attackers.
Meanwhile, Ronnie had tied all the exits closed with the rope. This way no one could escape. Then he entered the room. Floyd began tossing smoke bombs down into the crowd from up on the balcony. There were screams of panic. Black Lumberjack points to an exit and tells Tanisha to get all the women out of there. Tanisha and Stacey get up and begin escorting all the escorts out the room. Black Lumberjack then tries to find The Mayor and Tonya.
"He's getting away! Black Sumo yells. Look on the stage!"
Black Lumberjack turns to see the Mayor dragging Tonya behind him. He jumped on stage and ran off.
"I've got to go after him...Can you guys handle this?"
Floyd made it down to where the 3 men were standing. "We can handle this...You go get your girl". "Here, you'll be needing this". Floyd hands over the case carrying Black Lumberjack's axe.
"Thanks!" Black Lumberjack grabs the case and runs off, hitting each attacker with it as he chased after The Mayor.
The Lumberjack couldn't feel any pain from the hits that he was receiving. His rage was focused on one thing. And no one would be able to stop him until his enemy was defeated, and Tonya was safe with him...
Monday, May 18, 2009
Cutting Room Floor
Friday, May 15, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The Black Lumberjack

It's The Mayor, and he's sitting with Tonya! It was the first time Black Lumberjack saw Tonya in 2 months! He couldn't get over how sad, and depressed she looked. All her happiness just drained out of her. He couldn't believe that this Mayor could have such an effect on her.

Monday, May 11, 2009
Cutting Room Floor
Friday, May 8, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
The Black Lumberjack

"You guys call those silly mustaches a disguise?" Black Lumberjack asks the two brothers.
"They may be silly...but the ladies love them!" Floyd replies. "Now how do we get backstage? We need to get things ready." "Yeah, this is where we'll begin the smoke bomb ambush!" Ronnie chips in.
"It's over this way." Black Lumberjack leads the brothers to the backstage area.

"So how will we know when to begin?" Ronnie asks Black Lumberjack.
"The Mayor will be accepting the award for Pimp of The Year...I'm going to be the one that gives it to him!" "When you see me come backstage that will be your cue to start. Black Sumo will need all the help he can get. Just leave the Axe here behind these boxes."
Ronnie and Floyd nod in agreement and place Black Lumberjack's Axe behind the boxes. Black Lumberjack heads back to his seat. Soon he would give the Mayor an award...his fist!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Cutting Room Floor
Corporal Grenwick is able to maintain his composure during the interrogation of Princess Leia Organa but he is also very excited to return to the Death Star Office of Interrogation for a fix. Corporal Grenwick is a truth serum addict. In the comfort of his office he takes off his helmet and gloves and rolls up his sleeve while beckoning the IT-O interrogation droid to his side. He faces away from the window as his mind is altered by the truth serum. Everything inside the Death Star makes perfect sense to him. He is oblivious of the Death Star laser that destroys the planet Alderaan behind him.