Gary Coleman was such a huge fan of the first Mad Max film that he took a three month tour of Australia between shooting for the second and third seasons of Diff'rent Strokes. As luck would have it Coleman was able to meet George Miller during the final stages of preproduction for Mad Max 2. Miller for his part was such a huge fan of Diff'rent Strokes that he suggested Coleman take a cameo role.
Coleman was so ecstatic at the offer that with the help of his manager he was able to convince NBC to push back the filming of the third season. However, upon viewing the Australian cut of The Road Warrior his manager and NBC successfully persuaded Coleman that his performance would prove devastating to his television career in the US.
All of this required George Miller to refilm key chase sequences in New South Wales in order to secure distribution in the US. However, Coleman insisted that his performance remain in the Australian cut of the film.
Miller and Coleman remain close friends to this day.