Iberg is an Iceberg.
Iberg is based on all entirely true stories that take place during the act of or a result of drinking. So you don't think I'm a terrible alcoholic, not all of these stories are personal experiences some are taken from friends and family.
IBERG: Intro

"Dude...can I get a ride?"

"So...you want to hit a bar or something?"
Iberg gets "
Ghostbuster's Drunk" in Vegas.
Ghostbuster's Drunk is the act of drinking in ridiculous excess in a rapid amount of time and the only thing that keeps you from passing out is yelling movie quotes/references from Ghostbusters at the back of a cab driver's head ("HOLY SHIT YOU LOOK LIKE VIGO THE CARPATHIAN!" and "I AIN'T AFRAID OF NO GHOSTS!")
Morale: Slow and steady wins the race.